March 2018
December 2017
Yongjian and Elise report a new phytochrome signaling mechanism in Nature Communications
Yongjian Qiu and Elise Pasoreck published their recent work on phytochrome signaling in Nature Communications. This article reports a new light signaling mechanism that Arabidopsis phytochrome B utilizes its C-terminal domain as a signaling output module to mediate a central light signaling event - the degradation of the nodal transcription factor PIF3. This project was initiated when [...]
October 2017
Emily is featured in ASBMB TODAY
Emily is featured in the October issue of ASBMB TODAY for her Tabor Award! Congratulations! Here is the link:
July 2017
Congratulations! Dr. Emily Yang!
Emily has successfully defended her dissertation! Congratulations, Dr. Yang! We wish Emily all the best in her postdoctoral work at Columbia University! We would like to send special thanks to Prof. Tai-ping Sun at Duke for taking care of Emily when she was away from the lab. Also, many thanks to her committee members - Philip [...]
June 2017
Emily received a JBC/Herb Tabor Young Investigator Award, congratulations!
Emily received a JBC/Herb Tabor Young Investigator Award at the 28th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research in St. Louis, MO (June 19-23, 2017). Emily gave a short talk on her Ph.D. work on identification of a novel light signaling component in controlling chloroplast biogenesis. The JBC/Herbert Tabor Young Investigator Awards are given annually to students, postdoctoral researchers, [...]
M. Chen lab hosts a 2017 CEPCEB REU student, Ngoc (Iris) Tran.
M. Chen lab will host another summer CEPCEB REU student - Ngoc (Iris) Tran. This is the second year that we participate in the NSF-funded summer undergraduate research program in the Center for Plant Cell Biology at UCR. Iris will work with Dr. Keunhwa Kim, a senior scientist, to characterize the mechanism of subcellular protein sorting in [...]